Martina Newport
Martina Newport
Together we'll pick a location ahead of your session. Meet me at your house, your favorite park, downtown, the Trail or the Prairie. If you do not have a particular place in mind, I gladly share with you some spots around Bloomington/ Normal and Central Illinois, that I know you will love.
We will meet at our location and go on a relaxed walk together. The kids can move around, jump, run, and do what they love to do. As we move along we will pause and capture your memories and images. I want you to enjoy your session, so you can look at your family portraits and fondly remember the good time you had. There will be lots of tickles, giggles, and laughter, as we capture those perfect moments.
I will pose you and give you prompts for some of the images but I also encourage you to interact with each other so we can document your life - your beautiful moments and the realness you want to remember.
Most of my family session are scheduled for Golden Hour. It is the last hour before sunset and the first hour after sunrise. At no time of the day is the light warmer and more beautiful. Photographers are natural lovers of light, and for us this time of day is just everything we could possibly wish for. But even if you are not a photographer you have probably notice that the light during Golden Hour transforms everything around you. In the Midwest there is nothing quite like the interaction of Golden Hour light and the warm yellows and greens of the grasses. And don’t even get me started on all the beautiful wildflowers we have around here…
This might mean a late bedtime for your kids after the session, but is so totally worth just this one late night! As we finish your session it will start to get dark and you will head home with smiles on your faces and good memories to look back at and share.
Preparing for your Family Portrait Session will be a breeze - promised! Once you booked your session I will provide you with a detailed session guide.
The guide will keep the stress level low and provide you with helpful tips. It covers a variety of topics, from what to wear for your portrait session to what to bring to be prepared for any posibility.
And remember I will be with you every step of the way. From our very first contact until we preserved your memories and they can be seen, touched, and felt every day as you relive them on your walls, in your hands, and in your heart.
We will choose a date together and I will get you all set up to sign your contract and pay for your session. Interested in how that might look like ? Check out my booking site below ...
Booking Site
We will work together on ideas, outfit choices and prepare your session to make it one of a kind and a perfect fit for your family. I have a session guide for you, that will help along the way. Below also some helpful information on the Blog.
This way to the Blog
I will send a reminder a couple of days prior to your session. Let’s get ready for some fun and take some awesome pictures together !
On the Blog you will find some helpful reads for your session...
This way to the Blog
You will receive a link to your online gallery within 2 weeks of your session. Time to relive the wonderful time we had and choose your favourite images for prints, canvases and or a heirloom album.
Included in the session fee is access to an online image gallery within two weeks of your session.
The amount of digital images per session package varies.
Additional digital images as well as professional prints are available against an additional charge.
For more detailed informtion please contact me
Get in touch
For more detailed informtion please contact me
Get in touch
Included in the session fee is access to an online image gallery within two weeks of your session.
The amount of digital images per session package varies.
Additional digital images as well as professional prints are available against an additional charge.